Editor: Rana Qaisar   
Founding Editor: Shafqat Munir   

Khubaib Foundation to take part in Freedom flotilla-2 

21 Junie 2011 01:15:50 nm

Khubaib Foundation to take part in Freedom flotilla-2


Freedom flotilla-2 will sail to Gaza as per scheduled and announced by President IHH in a press conference in Istanbul recently. He told that the Mavi Marmara boat, which was hard hit in the Israeli raid and is still being fixed, could not take part in the Freedom Flotilla II, but “The Mavi Marmara will definitely set sail for Gaza when it completes repair and maintenance works.


Nadeem Ahmed Khan, in connection to the said press conference by Yildrim, expressed that participation of Khubaib Foundation from Pakistan is tied up with that of IHH and whenever IHH gives a go ahead Khubaib Foundation will join in this journey.  Chairman Khubaib Foundation Nadeem Ahmed Khan was talking to media persons on Tuesday in the head office Khubaib Foundation Islamabad.


Chairman Khubaib Foundation Nadeem Ahmed Khan reaffirms that the “Freedom flotilla-2 would sail to Gaza. Rumours cannot distract our mission. Mavi Marmara has been damaged by Israeli forces  in last June 2010 and due to repair and maintain it is not ready to sail to  Gaza so for. 1.5 million People are suffering in Gaza especially children, women, old men and women.  They don’t have medical facilities, even not enough food and non food items, shelter. United Nations is not playing its role to resolve this matter.  Palestinians are facing cruelty of Israel from many decades,” He added.

He thanked the civil society, students, , dignitaries, politicians and media persons particularly Hamid Mir, Nasim Zehra, Asma Sherazi, Kashif Abbasi, Meher Bukhari, and renowned politician Marvi Memon and , great Squash player Jan Shair Khan joins hands with Khubaib Foundation and has announced to support this humanitarian cause to sail to  Gaza on Freedom Flotilla-2

Further he said that Mavi Marmara would join Freedom Flotilla-2 later after trial sail and of course if technical team would allow sailing.

Nadeem Ahmed Khan said that volunteers across the world would join Freedom Flotilla-2 to serve humanity in need.  He also thanks thousands of Pakistani people who send email to show their solidity with this mission.