Editor: Rana Qaisar   
Founding Editor: Shafqat Munir   

Pakistani Women Given Representative Platform 

23 Junie 2011 10:23:26 nm

Pakistani Women Given Representative Platform


‘Bolstering women and their rights;

Women to be protected and given legal advice’: Tahira Abdullah

“Women have always been given a high status by Islam and have preserved and protected their rights in their specific sphere. Their voice have always been given as well but due to high population, globalization, increase in distances, the complexity of this world and widespread issues and problems of human-beings, people have forgotten the women and their rights. As women have key role in every sphere of life from household work to leadership, from the status of mother to teacher. They can change the world only if they are given their due rights and they are not treated as a possession of the family,” Tahira Abdullah a human rights activist said during the inauguration of the internet based Uk’s Radio.

A pro-woman internet based radio station named Uk’s “The voice of Pakistani women” is launched recently in Islamabad.


“The positive portrayal of women in the media is very much less but if there is some portrayal present that is also very much discriminatory as well. The rape cases and fleeing away of girls with a boy etc are given representation on media very often which is a bad thing and their image is distorting due this miss-representation,” Said Asma Sherazi.

Tasneem Ahmar, DG Uk’s said, “Women opinion makers are less in number as compared to males which is very pathetic in our society. They should be given equality in every field of life. This programme which we are going to start will help the Pakistani women and their issues, concerns, grievances and the discrimination which they are facing and bearing the brunt of male behaviors. Every single issue of women will be addressed across Pakistan but to add to my conversation, this platform is not merely for women but also for male as well if they cooperate with us.”



“Mostly young generation should be given opportunity to come forward and help in improving the radio station’s different programmes, the radio should not limited to the fair sex,” was the advice given by the participants during the Q/A session.