The challenges for the new media in Pakistan, on World Press Freedom Day celebrations
3rd of May was proclaimed World Press Freedom Day by the UN General Assembly in 1993 following a Recommendation adopted at the twenty-sixth session of UNESCO's General Conference in 1991.
World Press Freedom Day is an opportunity to celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom; to evaluate press freedom, to defend the media from attacks on their independence and to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives in the line of duty. The Day serves as an occasion to inform citizens of violations of press freedom - a reminder that in dozens of countries around the world, publications are censored, fined, suspended and closed down, while journalists, editors and publishers are harassed, attacked, detained and even murdered. The theme of World Press Freedom Day 2011 is "21st Century Media: New Frontiers, New Barriers".
In this connection, The United Nations Educational, Scientific, Culture, and Communication Organization (UNESCO) and United Nation’s Information Center (UNIC) in collaboration with the National Press Club, Islamabad are holding a Conference, where leading practicing journalist and representatives from press unions, who have played an active role in press freedom and media ethics along with freedom of expression will examine the present challenges and growing role of internet, the emergence of new media and potentials of cyber space in active opinion making for democracy in recent years.
The Federal Minister of Information and Broadcast, Dr. Fidous Ashiq AWAN has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest of the event.
The event will take place at National Press Club, Street 37, Sector F-6/1, Islamabad, at 1100 hours.
This year’s World Press Freedom Day also marks the 20th anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration for the promotion of free and pluralistic media. The anniversary will also commemorate a one-minute silence for the journalists who lost their lives in the in the line of duty, during last one year in Pakistan.