Editor: Rana Qaisar   
Founding Editor: Shafqat Munir   

Pakistan Needs a Smart Kashmir Policy 

08 September 2016 04:55:40

By Shakeel Ahmad Ramay

Kashmir has recently re-emerged as most burning issue of the region and the world. Movement of Kashmir restarted with new enthusiasm, energy and determination. This time movement is being led by youth and supported by all corners of the society. India is trying to control the movement by using brutal force but with no success. 
Now India has diverted its efforts to criticize Pakistan for the Kashimirs’ movement. First, India is using SAARC as an opportunity to divert attention and sabotage the 19th SAARC summit to be held in November 2016 in Islamabad. India reportedly plans to send minister’s level delegation to the summit in a bid to undermine the process. Although, it is smart move for short-term gains, but in the long term, India and the region will suffer due to a weaker SAARC and reduced regional cooperation. Indian ministers are also using very harsh language, which is against all diplomatic norms and values. The only purpose these statements can serve is that it contributes toward enmity in the region. 
Second, India is also using Pakistani politicians to create fuss within Pakistan to divert media attention from the Kashmir issue. India seems to be successful, as after Altaf Hussian’s anti Pakistan language, media diverted its full attention towards this incident. Kashmir went on back burner and Pakistan is rapidly losing media space. Third, India is using its proxies in terrorists’ organizations to create law and order situation. Afghan intelligence is helping them in this regard. 
India is using these tactics to engage Pakistan in its own problems and keep Pakistan at distance from Kashmir issue. However, Pakistan can turn the table by applying a smart and sensible policy. As a first step, Pakistan must be aggressive not hostile to present its case at all forums. Human rights violation, especially of women, children and elderly should be highlighted at all levels. Policy makers must sit with media, both conventional and un-conventional, to share with them a real picture and clear policy of the government. Lastly Pakistan should keep calm and be open to any type of negotiations, and it must advocate for the cause of Kashmiris at international level.