Editor: Rana Qaisar   
Founding Editor: Shafqat Munir   

Federation of Trade Unions calls for end to US-led aggression against Libya 

27 April 2011 07:12:34

Federation of Trade Unions calls for end to US-led aggression against Libya

The All Pakistan Trade Union Federation and Working Women Organization have strongly condemned the brutal imperialistic attack of the NATO forces bombing the innocent people of Libya.

In a statement, the workers organizations have said: “We, the Pakistani working class, feel that the act of NATO military strikes, led by allied forces is the most ruthless act of aggression against Libyan masses. We strongly condemn the killing of thousands of innocent Libyans by NATO bombings, and the attempts being made to occupy Libya as was done in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, causing thousands dead and the needless destruction.”

They have opined that the imperialists want to control the oil and hydrocarbon resources in Libya, violating the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of a sovereign nation state. The US Imperialist invasion of Libya is a strategic move as it has the 9th largest oil reserves worldwide and controls the 25 largest oil firms in the world. Ruthless imperialist and their allies plan to divide up the world’s resources among them.

“The Libyan people have the right to decide their future on their own, without foreign imperialist interventions. We, the working class of Pakistan, express our solidarity with the workers and the poor masses of Libya struggling to end Imperialists’ greedy war and to get their democratic rights,” says the statement.

“We call upon the people to react and demand immediate cessation of the bombings and of the imperialist intervention. We call for the unity in action for peace, democratic and progressive forces around the slogan of ‘no to military intervention in Libya’ and for solidarity with the people of the Middle East that continue to fight for their social, democratic, and labor rights, freedom, peace and sovereignty,” the statement adds.