Editor: Rana Qaisar   
Founding Editor: Shafqat Munir   

Climate Change Diplomacy 

07 November 2016 12:03:24

Climate Change Diplomacy

By Shakeel Ramay

Last year at COP-21 climate change diplomacy delivered its first concrete output in the form of Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement gave impetus to diplomatic community to search for areas of cooperation and innovative ways of joint efforts to brace the challenge of climate change.

It is good to note that efforts culminated in terms of coming into force the Paris Agreement on 4th November. However, this is start of a long journey ahead. Urgency is also evident from the changing pattern and increasing intensity of climate related disasters and challenges.

The World community and diplomatic channels are recognizing the importance and trying to meet the expectations of planet and people. Climate change has started to appear in joint statements of many countries like USA-China and others. It is good sign that leading emitters and global leaders have started taking it seriously and took steps at diplomatic level to look for common grounds. But it is not enough and diplomacy has to deliver to accomplish the task. Now diplomacy must be focused on finding ways for the implementation of commitments and promises made at different level. From the 4th November onwards the task is to put efforts for concrete steps at ground. Developing countries must extend their hand to help the developing countries and making all efforts to realize the dream of sustainable development.  

COP-22 is ideal place to start new phase of climate diplomacy to make countries to deliver on their commitments. Real test of diplomacy would be to get the consensus, commitment and plan of action to fulfill commitments. Major element of the Paris Agreement is INDCs’ commitments for mitigation, adaptation and cooperation. Process of decoding the commitments and searching for ways to cooperate for ensuring smooth implementation must start from COP-22. It should be complimented by bilateral, regional and group (G-20, G-7 etc) efforts and support. Climate diplomacy must have different motto from the routine diplomacy. It should revolve around the concept of “There is no Choice except to act”.